Friday, March 23, 2012

Kitchen shoes: a response to Shuna Lydon at Eggbeater

I was reading one of my favorite food blogs, Eggbeater and saw an article about chef clothing and specifically footwear. After about 6 years of continuous if sporadic kitchen work, these are wear (get it?) I'm at now. World Industries skate shoes. They are not non-slip, but most kitchens don't care so much about that as long as you don't fall down. The primary black color gives the aura of professionalism while the boombox graphics win the respect of your hooligan co-workers. Not having non-slips takes some extra attention when walking through the dish tank, but I think non-slip shoes that are uncomfortable in the long run lose to your traditional comfy skate shoe, as long as the the out- and in-soles still have good life in them. I picked these Worlds up on clearance for under $15. They are a 1/2 size too big, but still fit my foot well. I did the rubber clog things for a while and I like them especially for the price point. Also they double as great farm-to-table garden shoes. It would be great to have one pair for the kitchen and one for the garden. Shuna mentions Keens, and I would mentioned that I love Keens for landscaping. They also do good double duty for kitchen and outdoor work.